6. 接单过程中总出现拒绝信息


lotus-miner stroage-deals list -v| grep <deal_cid>


  Filter = "/home/test/dealfilter.pl"

你可以在dealfilter.pl 下的 denylist 中查看被过滤的地址并对其进行添加/删除。


use warnings;
use strict;
use 5.014;

# Uncomment this to lock down the miner entirely
# print "Miner currently upgrading - BACK SOON";
# exit 1;

# A list of wallets you do not want to deal with
# For example this enty will prevent a shady ribasushi
# character from storing things on your miner
my $denylist = { map {( $_ => 1 )} qw(

use JSON::PP 'decode_json';

my $deal = eval { decode_json(do{ local $/; <> }) };
if( ! defined $deal ) {
  print "Deal proposal JSON parsing failed: $@";
  exit 1;

if( $denylist->{$deal->{Proposal}{Client}} ) {
  print "Deals from client wallet $deal->{Proposal}{Client} are not welcome";
  exit 1;

exit 0;

如遇任何问题,请在 FilSwan Discord 频道联系我们。

Last updated