Mint NFT to MCS Opensea Collection

McsAPI.upload_nft_metadata(wallet_address, filename, nft_uri, tx_hash, file_size)

ContractAPI.mint_nft(wallet_address, private_key, meta_url)

The following code example mints an uploaded file as a NFT viewable on Opensea. Create an NFT object and provide the payload_cid of the file. The NFT object follows the Opensea metadata standards.

def test_mint_nft(wallet_info):
    wallet_address = wallet_info['wallet_address']
    private_key = wallet_info['private_key']
    web3_api = wallet_info['web3_api']
    w3_api = ContractAPI(web3_api)
    api = McsAPI()

    # upload file to mcs
    file_path = "/i*"
    filename = "/*"
    upload_file = api.upload_file(wallet_address, file_path)
    file_data = upload_file["data"]
    payload_cid, source_file_upload_id, nft_uri, file_size, w_cid = file_data['payload_cid'], file_data[
        'source_file_upload_id'], file_data['ipfs_url'], file_data['file_size'], file_data['w_cid']
    # get the global variable
    params = api.get_params()["data"]
    # get filcoin price
    rate = api.get_price_rate()["data"]
    # test upload_file_pay contract
    tx_hash = w3_api.upload_file_pay(wallet_address, private_key, 
        file_size, w_cid, rate, params)
    # upload nft metadata
    meta_url = api.upload_nft_metadata(wallet_address, filename, 
        nft_uri, tx_hash, file_size)['data']['ipfs_url']
    # mint nft contract
    tx_hash, token_id = w3_api.mint_nft(wallet_address, private_key, meta_url)
    # update mint info
    api.get_mint_info(source_file_upload_id, None, tx_hash, token_id, wallet_address)


  • wallet_address: the MetaMask wallet address.

  • private_key: wallet private key

  • meta_url: can be obtained through upload_nft_metadata


Returns the response from the /mint/info API

  status: 'success',
  data: {
    id: <ID>,
    source_file_upload_id: <ID>,
    nft_tx_hash: <'0x...'>,
    mint_address: '0x1A1e5AC88C493e0608C84c60b7bb5f04D9cF50B3',
    token_id: '<ID>',
    create_at: <TIME>,
    update_at: <TIME>

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