
Upload file(s) to MCS using the MCS SDK

upload(fileArray, options)

You can use the upload function to upload an array of file(s) to FilSwan IPFS gateway. The array holds a list of objects, and returns an array of response objects. Using fs is a simple way to read the file data. The options object is also optional to customize the upload.

const { mcsSDK } = require('js-mcs-sdk')
const fs = require('fs') // used to read files

// set up js-mcs-sdk
const mcs = new mcsSDK({
  privateKey: process.env.PRIVATE_KEY,
  rpcUrl: process.env.RPC_URL,

async function main() {
  const PATH_1 = ''
  const PATH_2 = ''
  const fileArray = [
    { fileName: 'file1', file: fs.createReadStream(PATH_1) },
    { fileName: 'file2', file: fs.createReadStream(PATH_2) },
  //optional, showing default options
  const options = {
    delay: 1000, // delay between upload API calls for each file. May need to be raised for larger files
    duration: 525, // the number of days to store the file on the Filecoin network.
    fileType: 0, // set to 1 for nft metadata files. type 1 files will not show on the UI.
  const uploadResponses = await mcs.upload(fileArray, options)



  • fileArray: array of objects

    • fileName: name of file

    • file: file contents (using fs is a simple way to get the file contents)

  • options: an optional object can also be passed to specify certain parameters:

    • delay: delay in milliseconds between upload API calls. Default is 1000, but may need to be increased for many larger files

    • duration: Number of days to store your file on the Filecoin network. (default 525)

    • fileType: Files of type one will be hidden from the upload list and the UI. NFT metadata files are type 1. (default 0)


This function returns an array of the upload API responses.

    status: 'success',
    data: {
      source_file_upload_id: <ID>,
      payload_cid: <'Qm...'>,
      ipfs_url: <'https://calibration-ipfs.filswan.com/ipfs/Qm...'>,
      file_size: <FILE_SIZE>,
      w_cid: <UNIQUE_CID>
  }, ...

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