
Upload file(s) to MCS using the MCS SDK

McsAPI.upload_file(wallet_address, file_path)

You can use the upload function to upload a single file to FilSwan IPFS gateway. The function takes your MetaMask wallet address and the absolute path of the file for upload.

def test_upload_file(wallet_info):
    wallet_address = wallet_info['wallet_address']

    api = McsAPI()
    # upload file to mcs
    file_path = "/*"
    upload_file = api.upload_file(wallet_address, file_path)


  • wallet_address: MetaMask wallet address.

  • file_path: Absolute path of the file for upload.


This function returns the upload API responses. This includes source_file_upload_id, file_size and w_cid that will be used for payments.

  status: 'success',
  data: {
    source_file_upload_id: <ID>,
    payload_cid: <'Qm...'>,
    ipfs_url: <'https://calibration-ipfs.filswan.com/ipfs/Qm...'>,
    file_size: <FILE_SIZE>,
    w_cid: <UNIQUE_CID>

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